arts & humanities

Dr. Seuss was known for writing silly often make-believe children’s books that almost always rhymed.  However one of the main reasons Dr. Seuss books are so loved by both children and adults is because of the positive messages and life lessons.

It is because of its positive message that Oh the Places You’ll Go has come to be one of Dr. Seuss’ most famous children’s books.  The words to Oh The Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss are by a narrator speaking to a young boy that is simply referred to as “you “telling him that he can succeed and that he will go places in his life.  It was published in 1990 and it was the last Dr. Seuss book published before Dr. Seuss’ death in 1991.

The book’s positive message has made it a go to gift for high school and college graduates that are going out into the world. I, myself, received a copy of the book from my father when I graduated from high school.  It is because of this that sales of the book spike every spring during graduation time. The most famous words to Oh the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss are its famous refrain:  And will you succeed?/ Yes! You will, indeed!/ (98 and 3 / 4 percent guaranteed.

Dr Seuss book


hat So, please bare with me because Im on a serious Dr. Seuss kick these past few days. Did you know that he won a Pulitzer? My nephew was recently asked to figure out when he won it by his teacher.

Dr. Seuss is known in homes for his comical stories with positive messages that have helped children throughout the United States learn to read. Because of their simple words that even the youngest of children can understand and their fun rhyme scheme, Dr. Seuss stories are perfect for young children that are learning how to read.

Despite all the admiration his fans have for his work, few of Dr. Seuss’ readers ask themselves: “When did Dr. Seuss win the Pulitzer Prize?” In 1984, Dr. Seuss was awarded Pulitzer Prize Special Citation Award “for his contribution over nearly half a century to the education and enjoyment of America’s children and their parents.” One of the judges on the committee that awarded it to him said it was “one of the fastest decisions ever made for this prize.”

I buy his books here.

et cetera